Labor Day Weekend. The unofficial end of summer...somebody tell the thermometer. It was a sweltering 90 degrees F, and icky-sticky humid, yesterday, but it
is shaping up to be a beautiful weekend, if one can believe the weather guys. While others head out to the lake to play, I'm headed to the lake to work.
I may be working this holiday weekend, but this is my view, from the air-conditioned comfort of my ladder. And should the humidity drop, the red chair on the right is were I'll be taking my lunch breaks. I could get used to this. |
You hear all the terrible economy stories every day, so here's a nice one. This is the third house I'm decorating for these people in seven years. Are they relentless ladder climbers? Super rich and frivolous? No. It's just that every time they get settled in, with the decorating just about done, someone appears at their door, totally out of the blue, badly wanting their house (interior unseen, as far as I know, though I would love to take credit), and willing to pay handsomely, allowing them to move to something a little better suited to their lifestyle. That this would happen once is miracle enough, that it should happen twice makes me want to stand very close to them when buying lottery tickets. As it is, I can't complain, being that it
is the third time they have hired me to paint the same child's bedroom (and a whole lot more)!
Good stuff happens. Hope it happens to you this long summer weekend!
Too hot to be outdoors? Browse my website at
Working on your own DIY project this weekend? If you run into questions, feel free to send them to me. If I know the answer, I'll be happy to share.
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