Ornamental Plaster Sculpting, Mural Painting, Faux Finishing, and Imaginative Interior Design.

Ornamental Plaster Sculpting, Mural Painting, Faux Finishing, and Imaginative Interior Design.
CLICK ON THE RABBIT ( yes, those are cabinets) TO SEE MY PORTFOLIO, AND LEARN MORE ABOUT MY SERVICES...theartofthehome.com

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Judgement is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is soul deep.

So many times when I start a design consultation, clients apologize for their furnishings.  "Do you think this lamp is funny looking?  I got it at a garage sale."  Personally, I thought that particular lamp was classic, and large enough to stand out as a sculptural element in the room, which made it interesting.  But what I thought of the lamp, or anyone else's furnishings, really doesn't matter.  Take a look at the things you have with your own eyes.  Stop for one minute please, the silly chatter that goes on and on about what's in fashion this season, and what will your mother think of the drapes, and should you take your neighbor's advice about changing the sofa that you actually love.

I'll probably reupholster this 1920's chair eventually, but for now, I love its shabby elegance, and the remnants of moss-green mohair upholstery. 
That's all that matters.  That you love the sofa.  Do the drapes make you happy?  Will you love this season's colors when they aren't the latest fashion?  Easy way to answer the last question:  20 years ago, the last time this season's look was fashionable, did you love it then?  Do you actually have coordinating items stashed somewhere in your home?  Yes?  Spring for this season's fashion.  Otherwise, smugly remind yourself how much money you are not wasting on stuff you would donate to charity in a year.

This mirror was foxed, with alligatored varnish on the frame.  I added the words, inspired by a quote from another artist.
At their best, our homes mirror our truest, most beautiful selves.  The last few blog posts included pictures of a few of us women, ranging from late twenties to early fifties.  None of us was dressed for a photo shoot, none of us had our hair done, nor make-up on, and though we made the usual "Oh, I'm not looking glamorous" noises, none of us really gave a rip.  So, you saw the real us?  The hard-working, laughter-loving, too-busy-living-life-to-spruce-up-and-pose women that we are.  Of course we would prefer that you think us beautiful, just as we hope those who visit our unique homes find them beautiful, but we know the truth.  Beauty is soul deep, judgement is in the eye of the beholder, and what you think of us is none of our concern.  We give our beautiful best to the world every day, we welcome others into our homes with generosity of spirit, and those who can't feel the sunshine in our smiles, we simply wish them well on their journey.

Margery Williams, author of the velveteen rabbit, summed it up perfectly...

Timothy and Puff have been real for decades.
"Because once you are real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

As long as your home is beautiful to you, and the objects in it hold significance for you, the people who understand who you are will see it's beauty. 

If you are still living with the color that your sister swore you would grow to love, and think perhaps now is the time to change it, check out my portfolio and services at theartofthehome.com.

If you have DIY or design questions you think I might be able to answer, feel welcome to email me at dawnmariedelara@gmail.com.

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