Zinnias are like fireworks, very, very quiet fireworks...or fireworks are like zinnias. |
When you have a house in the middle of downtown, you kinda want to keep the yard looking nice, right? Me too. Unfortunately for the townsfolk, my best intentions don't quite meet my reality. I do try.
I have schoolkids who show up occasionally to mow (usually the day
before a rainstorm/heatwave combo that sends my grass shooting right back skyward so fast you can see it grow, so it's terminally shaggy), and I
did dig up a lot of new flower beds (and even planted most of the area I dug up). I even (uuuuugh) weeded...some...sort of...before I got really busy with putting together the magazine, in addition to a full schedule of wall work, so the crabgrass is filling in the bare spots in the flower beds quite nicely. Still, I have one good trick up my sleeve: Zinnias!
This is about the only plant combination I seem to have mastered. The marigolds reseeded from last year, and the zins grow from seed, even when planted late in June. Neither is fussy about going thirsty. Easiest splash of happy ever! |
I have discovered that a patch of these brilliant beauties, with some marigolds at their ankles, draws peoples eyes away from all the untended garden, and even the listing mail box, and peeling trim on Belle Ami's balcony. Even if they do notice it, apparently I am absolved of my sins of neglect, by the outrageously unrelenting cheerfulness of this little patch, in the front corner of my yard. I figure that if I don't get the hang of balancing this new magazine business, living life, not just writing about it, by next summer, I'll just plant the whole yard in zinnias. The house might stlill need a dab of paint, and I may look pale as Gollum by then, but nobody will be looking at anything but these brazen beauties. Ha! A plan as brilliant as they are!
Pinkalicious! No, that's not the variety, just a comment. These seeds have been passed down through a couple of generations of a family related to Belle Ami's last owners. I usually forget to save the seeds, but I get a new batch every spring at the garden club plant exchange. Easy and beyond cheap.... Zinfully good! |
What keeps me too busy for a proper garden? Producing a new magazine,
365 Being, Savoring a Life of Abundance, Joy and Beauty, which will debut VERY soon. Oh, and there is my day job, painting beautiful walls for nice folks, just like you. You can check out my portfolio at
Got a question? Did google send you here, but you don't see what you're looking for? Sometimes I see the search question in my stats, and think "Oh, I could answer that, even though it's not on this blog!", but of course, I can't contact whoever was searching...unless you email me or leave a comment below.
1 comment:
Hi Dawn-Marie! I just saw that you left a comment on my blog back in JUly and thanks so much! I really appreciate your kind words. I have found a job! and just working all the time, as a lawyer> I hope some day I can just do designing and creating. Your work is lovely and thanks again
Cat from the Golden Touch
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