Ever do that thing where you go to bed early so you can get up early, sleep fitfully all night, and when you check the clock and decide to try and stay asleep for one more hour, you finally fall deep asleep, sleeping way past your normal wake-up time, not to mention the earilier hour you were aiming for? Me neither. :) Ah well, still finished yesterday's project hours ahead of deadline.
Here's (what was supposed to be) last night's blog post.
Hmm...either curved surfaces are tricky to photograph, or the barn's a leanin'! |
Here's what it's painted on!
Another Minnesota milkcan, but this time the scene is out west. Globalization comes to Lake Woebegone (we take things kinda slow around here). |
Painted milk cans are popular here in the Midwest, land of Cheeseheads (Wisconsonites) and butter festivals. I've painted quite a few scenes of farms that no longer exist, having been sold off when dairy farming profits dropped, and land developers swooped down, and also a few that I drive past every week. This scene, with it's twin peaks, is obviously not Minnesota, but someplace special to the bride and groom, for whom it was commissioned. Longs Peak...Colorado? Wyoming? Texas? (There's one in every state that
has peaks.)
So yes, I'll pretty much paint anything on anything, as long as it makes someone happy. Artistic translator at your service. Portfolio and information about me at
Questions? Answers:
No idea what will be on tomorrow night's post. Time to hit "publish" on this and go return a call from a client with a chicken coop...? Hope your day keeps you smiling!
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