Ornamental Plaster Sculpting, Mural Painting, Faux Finishing, and Imaginative Interior Design.

Ornamental Plaster Sculpting, Mural Painting, Faux Finishing, and Imaginative Interior Design.
CLICK ON THE RABBIT ( yes, those are cabinets) TO SEE MY PORTFOLIO, AND LEARN MORE ABOUT MY SERVICES...theartofthehome.com

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Holy rollin' billboard, Batman!

One would think that having owned a sign shop for eleven years, and then having been in the wall painting business for 12 years since then, that I would have gotten around to lettering my work van long before this.  It's a little looser than I would have done a few years back, but I'm a little looser about a lot of things, now.  I've had a habit of waiting until I can do a thing perfectly before I do it at all, and perfection usually takes more time than I have, so consequently I miss out on a lot.  There are so many things I want to do in this lifetime, and I've spent most of the first half (or so) of mine, waiting for the perfect time or situation, which never seems to come.  I've heard it said that perfectionism is the highest form of self-abuse.  I choose to treat myself much better these days.

Yeah, that's the new website is listed on the van.  I guess I better get it finished and launched!  Hmmm...probably time to give up on perfecting it and just hit the go button.

I really think Mango Lace should be a dealer option

Owning a vehicle with 174,000 miles on it definitely frees a person up to do slightly less ordinary things.  I just painted this on Sunday and Monday, and already people are stopping me in parking lots to ask how I got the lace effect.  Answer:  A can of Krylon, a yard of lace fabric, and a very light touch.  Hopefully people will begin stopping me to ask about the decorating services listed on the side!

What a hodge-podge week it's been.  I turned three concrete statues to marble...
...zipped up to St. John's to pop a cross above the door to the sacristy...
...lettered the van, patched some small statues, worked a bit more on the staircase here at Belle, and built a mantle for the foyer radiator tonight.  I expect to have photos of Belle's progress next Thursday.

The other thing I worked on this week is helping plan a special event being hosted by my women in business group, Keystone Women's Circle...

Autumn Gathering of the Goddesses
A different kind of Ladies Night, featuring six mini-sessions

Essential Oil Blending
Hypnosis for stress management
Fall Make-up colors
Home decorating tips and tricks
(feng shui, American style)

It's on Thursday October 7th from 5:15-9:15
starting at Mystic Journey, 109 N. Meridian, Belle Plaine

Refreshments will be served before and after the workshops, and participants will go home with gift bags valued well over the ticket price of $30.

Pre-registration is required, and space is VERY limited, so get a hold of your girlfriends and give me a call or email me.  Seriously, with eight women inviting their clients, and only 30 spots available, we'll fill up quickly.
(952)873-4493   dmquinche@gmail.com

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