Ornamental Plaster Sculpting, Mural Painting, Faux Finishing, and Imaginative Interior Design.

Ornamental Plaster Sculpting, Mural Painting, Faux Finishing, and Imaginative Interior Design.
CLICK ON THE RABBIT ( yes, those are cabinets) TO SEE MY PORTFOLIO, AND LEARN MORE ABOUT MY SERVICES...theartofthehome.com

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Belle's Kitchen: the saga continues

I have this poem by Robert Frost on my studio wall.  I'm sure you know it..."Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."  On different days, I give it different endings, like "and I stood frozen, unable to choose", or "and I turned around and went back home, 'cause who wants to go into the woods anyway"...and various other endings, depending on just how late I'm working, and just how grumpy I am at myself for never taking the easy way.  I think I have finally hit on the version that honors my truest nature:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I went hiking off through the brambles.

My kitchen illustrates this perfectly.  I meant to do something interesting on the cabinets, something a little different than you might expect, but I did not intend to spend weeks of early mornings and nights after work, painting a full color, fully detailed mural...with brambles.  Last week, I showed you the cabinet to the left of the stove (rabbit conveniently located near the stew pot, heh-heh-heh!), so this week I bring you the sink cabinet.  You want to find the compost bucket in my kitchen?  It's behind the rhubarb, of course!

click on photo to enlarge, click again to zoom on details.

1 comment:

Susan Turney said...

Wow...what a joy to live and work in! I can't wait to see a pic of the whole kitchen.